Notes on John 18


There is amazing detail in this chapter.   This is the first time we hear how Jesus met often in the olive grove (v2).

It is only John’s gospel gives the impression that Jesus spent most of his time in Jerusalem.

When an organization exists and grows over a long time it changes. Those there at the start are clear about their objectives. As new people join, as people become more removed from the centre, as the group gets very large, the original ideas are queried, questioned, as people seek to understand and apply it to their own situation.

The further we get from the original time the more we question.   Group dynamics change with time.

The story appears as straightforward narrative.   It seems “farcical”.

But for instance (v6) “I am” was what the Jews called God and this is why they fall down.

It also puts Jesus in control of the situation as he is with Annas, Caiaphas and Pilate.

Jesus answers a question with a question as usual, or comment which puts the onus back on the interrogator

v4 & v7 “who is it?” – the purpose of the gospel Jesus asks us all what we want from life – a personal question.   He appears to be helpful like a counsellor.

The detail makes this seem like a snapshot of this event.   People have good memories today.

Why the number of soldiers?   (There would have been 12 men in Jesus’ party)

Why would Peter have a sword?   A weapon - yes: a fisherman’s knife perhaps.

Luke says they all had swords

why was Peter not arrested for cutting off servant’s ear?

What is the relevance of the servant’s name.   Only in Luke is the ear healed!

See Luke for slight differences in story.

Was Jesus leading an armed band around?

Who is the disciple who is known to the High Priest?   Is it Nicodemus?  Or Joseph of Arimathea?

v18 “it was cold” – is this significant?

v19 – 24 Jesus never gets to speak to Caiaphas.   Annas appears to he High Priest as well as Caiaphas (high priest in perpetuity like retired bishops?).

They all seem to be inter-related – even the servants.

John is writing a new Genesis!   recreating the Garden of Eden, through the Garden of Gethsemane.

It ties everything together that Jesus is God.

Unlike Adam, Jesus does not hide.

torches and lanterns” = “light of the world” Chapter 1.

Looking back as they see significance of events at the time lived.

No going back to Peter after denial so chapter 21 needed to reinstate Peter. 

v14 Caiaphas – is it a significant truth that one man should die for the people.

See 11.49 – 53.

Nation of Israel to be the light and word of God to all nations but had forgotten that.   They thought is was they who were special – the only ones of God.   Jesus fulfills the gap.

What is truth?   This is the end of Pilate’s interrogation.   Is it a rhetorical question?

Is Pilate being  cynical? or is he enlightened?   Everyone has different ideas of truth.   Different people think God is on their side.

They are a court but truth has nothing to do with it.

v28 keeping pure but committing a terrible act.

v30   No answer to the question on charges.   They have no charges but want Jesus to die.

Jesus has nothing to hide all through.   Pilate is being manipulated by the High Priests.   Even Rome has to do God’s will.

Was it the custom to let someone go?   Year of Jubilee?

In this gospel the responsibility falls on the priesthood not the crowd.

Pilate only sees things from a worldly perspective.

“Political ‘truth’; my truth against your truth, my sword against your sword……… my power against your power…..The truth that belongs with Passover.   The truth that says one man dies and the others go free…….Somehow, through the cynicism, the casual local custom, the misunderstandings, the distortions, the plots and schemes and betrayals and denials, the Truth stands there in person, taking the death that would otherwise have fallen on the brigand.

“Pilate didn’t see it at the time.   Even Caiaphas….But John wants us to see it.   This is what the cross will mean.   This is what truth is and does.   Truth is what Jesus is; and Jesus is dying for Barabbas, and for Israel, and for the world.”   Tom Wright

By c19.7 there is the accusation for John.   Jesus is the son of God.   Resurrection is the obvious outcome.